

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:






  1. **需求对接**:接到校方需求后,我们迅速组建专项服务小组,与校方负责人进行了深入沟通,详细了解考场布局、考生人数及具体需求,确保提供的设备能够精准覆盖所有考场区域。

  2. **方案定制**:基于校方需求,我们制定了详细的租赁方案,包括设备型号选择、数量配置、安装指导及后期技术支持等。考虑到模拟考试的特殊性,我们特别选用了高效能、低干扰的手机屏蔽仪,确保在不影响考场周边正常通讯的前提下,有效屏蔽考场内的手机信号。

  3. **快速部署**:在方案确定后,我们迅速调集所需设备,并派遣专业技术人员前往学校进行安装调试。技术人员凭借丰富的经验,在短时间内完成了所有考场的屏蔽设备布置,并进行了全面测试,确保设备正常运行。

  4. **现场支持**:考试期间,我们安排了专人驻守现场,随时准备应对可能出现的突发情况。同时,我们也为校方提供了紧急联系方式,确保在需要时能够迅速响应。




  - **精准覆盖**:通过科学合理的布局,我们确保了手机屏蔽仪能够精准覆盖所有考场区域,有效屏蔽了手机信号,为考试营造了良好的环境。

  - **高效服务**:从需求对接到设备部署,再到现场支持,我们始终保持着高效的服务态度,赢得了校方的高度认可。

  - **技术保障**:我们选用的手机屏蔽仪性能稳定、操作简便,且配备了专业的技术支持团队,为考试的顺利进行提供了坚实的技术保障。




  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Sanmenxia City, Henan Province**

  In todays rapidly evolving society, ensuring fairness and order in exams, conferences, and other important events has become increasingly crucial. Sanmenxia City, a city rich in history, is no exception in facing the challenge of managing electronic device interference to maintain the smooth progress of such events. Recently, Yuantong Rental successfully provided mobile phone signal blocker rental services to a prestigious high school in Sanmenxia City for its mock college entrance examination, earning high praise from the client and laying a solid foundation for future collaborations.


  As the college entrance examination approached, a renowned high school in Sanmenxia City aimed to simulate a real exam environment to enhance students test-taking abilities. However, preventing students from bringing mobile phones and other communication devices into the exam rooms to avoid cheating became a pressing issue for the school. After thorough comparison and consideration, the school chose to partner with Yuantong Rental for mobile phone signal blocker rentals to address this challenge.

  **Service Process**:

  1. **Demand Alignment**: Upon receiving the schools request, we promptly formed a dedicated service team to communicate deeply with the schools representatives, understanding the exam room layout, student numbers, and specific needs to ensure the provided equipment could cover all exam areas precisely.

  2. **Customized Solution**: Based on the schools requirements, we crafted a detailed rental plan, including equipment model selection, quantity allocation, installation guidance, and post-installation technical support. Considering the uniqueness of mock exams, we specifically chose high-performance, low-interference signal blockers to ensure effective shielding within exam rooms without disrupting normal


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